A client in the test and measurement industry chose Nuvation Engineering to develop a photonics IC test platform. The client's semiconductor products are used to manage high-speed data over photonics networks. Nuvation built an extremely complex IC testing platform for characterizing individual elements in the photonics IC.

Design Features:
- 1760 pin thru-hole BGA socket, 1 mm pitch for photonics IC
- Altera Cyclone V FPGA for signal I/O and test co-ordination
- >1000 relays arranged in various networks for selecting photonic elements for testing
- Relay Mux for routing 4 National Instruments Source Measurement Units (SMU) channels to over 100 relay networks
- Relay selection of National Instruments DAQ voltage channels from over 100 relay networks
- Trans-impedance-amplifiers to measure currents as low as 100 uA
- Very low noise power supply design to minimize effect on low current measurements